Customer Alert:

We are aware of a Microsoft outage. PPT Service Delivery is not impacted by this, however should you have any concerns or challenges utilizing PPT Central Park platform, please contact us by phone. You can check Azure status here:

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IT Infrastructure Management – How to Stay on Budget & Innovate [WEBINAR]


Duration: 45 minutes

Gartner Webinar - How to Stay on Budget and Innovate

Managing your traditional enterprise IT infrastructure — while simultaneously navigating your company’s digital transformation and planning for the future — can be overwhelming.

This webinar from Park Place Technologies outlines new strategies that can drive meaningful change in your IT infrastructure while significantly reducing spend and minimizing interruptions. Time and money that can be reinvested in moving your business forward.

What you’ll learn:

  • How to drastically reduce OPEX (and total cost of ownership)
  • How to defer capex by sweating assets longer
  • How this strategy can reduce downtime

Join us for a one-hour discussion with John Stock and Sachi Thompson about IT Infrastructure Management – How to Stay on Budget & Innovate.